Penalties? Probation? nope  

Posted by Brooks

In a move that most should have seen coming from a mile away, the NCAA deemed that the "supposed" Memphis basketball recruiting violation involving FedEx president and CEO Dave Bronczek and Oseye Gaddy (Abdul Gaddy's mother) was a secondary violation. The University is not sure of the punishment but such violations do not result in lost scholarships, probation, or serious penalties.

On Wednesday at a booster function at his house, Calipari said "(The NCAA knows) it was not done purposely. It wasn't a recruiting call, the NCAA knew it and we knew it."

Late July, the university self-reported the violation when they learned that Bronczek (also a University of Memphis athletic booster) called fellow FedEx employee Oseye Gaddy, who happened to be the mother of Abdul Gaddy. According to Oseye, Bronczek told her he heard how good of a player her son was and told her she was doing a great job at FedEx.

This, combined with the fact that it has been made apparent that both Memphis and Gaddy have both moved on with their respective recruiting/recruitment, should put this scandal to bed for good.


Coincidence, Jeff Goodman has nothing on his blog this revelation, what a "hater"!!

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Birmingham, AL
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