Eligibility --- cutting the rumors off at the pass  

Posted by Brooks

So here's the thing...I'm doing this in order to nip the all out chaos in the bud that will ensure if and when rumors begin to fly.

As of Monday, August 25th, 2008, the fall semester of the 2008-2009 school year will begin for all students, including student athletes.

Angel Garcia and Matt Simpkins, two members of the University of Memphis' 2008 recruiting class, are still awaiting word from the newly established NCAA Eligibility Center on whether or not they are CLEARED to play. Now, you may ask yourself, why did I capitalize that word?

Speaking in NCAA jargon, there is a distinct difference between a student-athlete being ELIGIBLE and CLEARED. For example, if Matt Simpkins is eligible to enroll, that means that he has passed all necessary coursework and received scores for any necessary tests (exit exams, standardized tests, etc). So now you ask yourself, "Well, if he's passed everything then shouldn't he automatically be cleared?" The answer to that question, looking through the eyes of the NCAA, is no. In order to be cleared, Simpkins' transcripts, test scores and all paperwork must be submitted and reviewed by the Eligibility Center. The object of reviewing this documentation is to verify their authenticity. They go as far as calling former teachers, guidance counselors, classmates, etc.

So, now that we have our jargon defined, here's why I feel the need to explain. If and when the rumors begin to swirl that Matt Simpkins and Angel Garcia are on campus at the University of Memphis starting this weekend, please understand that you can enroll at a university and begin classes if you are eligible, whether or not you have been CLEARED.

The NCAA has a process in which a school (in this case, the U of M) can submit an application for a 'waiver' (of sorts) that allows for a player to enroll and begin classes, if eligible, while waiting on clearance to play. This allows for student-athletes to not miss classes due to delays of the NCAA; somewhat 'protecting' the athletes' grades.

So, sit back, relax and enjoy the wait. It could be next week...it could be September.


So, less than 24 hours after I posted this entry the rumors have started to fly. First, on a prominent Indiana basketball message board, a poster says:

For all those who were spreading rumors about Angel not going to Memphis well, I hate to dissapoint you, but he's on his way to Memphis today and will enroll tomorrow. He came through on his SAT and proved he is capable of getting it done in the classroom despite constant barage of insults regarding his academic standing that never had any merit whatsoever.

Also, on Northwest Indiana Basketball's blog, it is stated that:
Apparently Garcia got into Memphis. Angel Garcia won't be having to go the Junior College route as we were informed that he miraculously made the grade at the last minute. Congratulations and good luck to Angel!

So, even with these rumors, remember there is still no word on whether or not he has been CLEARED to play. Enrolling is only a sign that Garcia is eligible.

*image of Matt Simpkins courtesy of Scout.com


nice job...here's hoping they are eligible...


Good info.....I'm sure there are many people who don't know the difference - I didn't.

Good job Richard. I was under the impression that if they were on campus and beginning classes that that indicated "clear sailing". Your entry here has clarified things. Thanks!


Excellent communication skills because I was thinking if they were enrolled, they were eligible. Thanks for the enlightenment. lol


I guess I meant to say here's hoping they are cleared...


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Birmingham, AL
In my opinion, college basketball is the greatest overall sport. March and April are my favorite times of the year. My wife says I have an obsession.


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